When I look back at 2023, it seems like I had hit all the right turns: From applying to become an Accountapreneur to now completing the the #hackcorruption project and presenting this web platform, our teams labour of love.
When we were sitting down to generate ideas for our solution to budget transparency, we had learned that the education sector in Nepal is mired with inconsistencies and the biggest stakeholders did not have their voice: students.
With our team’s experience of both being students of low resource government schools as well as having worked in the education sector, we decided to choose this sector and see if we can resolve these inconsistencies in our own little ways using technology and student workshops.
When our team was deployed to a school in the Karnali province in Nepal, we met students coming from ultra marginalised backgrounds. But when they did interact with our platform, it was a light bulb moment for them. They were now party to that crucial information that the government provides a budget to their school to meet their needs. “We did not know that”, they said.
It may look like not a lot, but we only hope that this is a start for these students to raise their voice to anyone willing to listen and ask “Could we get a science lab in our school?” or “Could we get a few more teachers in our school?”
~ Richa Neupane
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